‘Glass' skin does not mean healthy skin. But why?
There is a big misconception currently that shiny, 'glass' skin is desirable and a goal for some. I'm here to shed some light on this. I won't tell you that attaining healthy skin is out of reach, because it's absolutely possible.
What we often see is skin that's been "over-cleaned" and excessively exfoliated, resulting in shiny, tight skin. As days pass by, the skin looks dull, and the cycle of exfoliation and cleansing repeats. Sound familiar?
The truth is, this approach merely addresses a superficial fix to the top layer of skin cells, without actually improving the deeper functioning skin cells, for long- lasting skin health.
Your skin cells have a programmed life cycle, moving up through the layers and eventually desqumating off. Often, aggressive over exfoliation and excessive cleansing remove perfectly happy, immature cells that weren't ready to depart, leaving inexperienced cells to take over.
This creates a cycle of tight, shiny skin, followed by dullness, and the cycle continues. At Sage Skin, we honour the natural life cycle of Keratinocyte skin cells and focus on supporting and enhancing your skin cells at a deeper level. Ready to break the cycle?