A simple guide to acne grades
ACNE GRADE 1 & 2 (usually non- inflammatory)
Closed comedones aka white bumps under the skin. This is due to corneocytes (adult skin cells) blocking the pilosebaceous duct, because it’s failed to desquamate off.
Open comedones aka “blackheads”
The follicle is partially clogged with oil, however oxygen can still interact, turning the oil black aka “oxidising.”
ACNE GRADE 3 (inflammatory)
Pustules, with many open and closed comedones. These turn white with pus when white blood cells have been sent to fight infection. Your skin knows what it’s doing and is nearly done, do not pick! Picking is likely to spread the bacteria to a neighbouring follicle.
Papules, pustules and macules.
Hard, painful cysts and nodules under the surface of the skin.
Both tend to have hormonal in-balance drivers. Infection is deep underneath the skin, and there isn’t a typical “head”. DO NOT squeeze these, pus will burst under the skin, spreading to nearby follicles, resulting in additional cysts or scarring.